Business to Business Website Lease
Our Business to Business Website Lease Special.
A complete website - ready for you to manage. Not designed to be an eCommerce Website, but rather an informational website that gives information on all your products and services for your dealers, vendors and distributors.
We will build a fully-functional S.E.O.-Ready website that you will be able to maintain and manage in-house. Meaning you, or your staff, will be able to fully administrate the website and not be bound waiting on anybody else.
- Add-Edit-Update Categories and Products with full descriptions and text.
- Integrate with Major Social Media Outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.)
- XML Sitemap integration
- Google Analytics Integration (requires a free Google account)
- Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, & Norton Site Verification Module
- YouTube Video Integration
In addition to the automated Search Engine submission, you will have full-control of all your keywords and Meta description tags.
This is a basic overview of what we will provide for you. There is, of course, more – including lifetime support using our online chat system, Skype, email, or telephone. Support is available 18 hours a day – 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday)
The pricing on this package is a lease with continuing recurring payments. With this package we retain access to all the code and will continue to maintain and upgrade the system as needed.
Cost $1200.00 Deposit with ongoing monthly payments of $49.95 per month thereafter.