Website Development and Design

We pride ourselves in being a leader in proven-technology and marketing strategies when it comes to Web-Development.
We choose the words Web Developers rather than Web Designers because there is a marked difference between the two.
Web Designers
Web Designers focus mainly on the esthetics and features of a web site, while these things can be very important, they are certainly not the most crucial consideration when developing an on-line marketing presence for any company.
Design without function and marketability is like having a Rolls-Royce sitting in your driveway, with no engine. It may look pretty, but it certainly will not take you anywhere.
Web Developers
Web Developers on the other hand focus on the whole package. It is very important that you make a good impression when people come to visit your website, but the primary consideration should be getting them there in the first place.
Once you have driven the traffic to your site, then the look and feel of your site becomes important.
User-Friendly Web Design
A very important factor is simplicity. Your visitors should be able to navigate through your site finding exactly the information they need in a very short amount of time. The site should be laid out in a manner that makes it almost second-nature for people to understand how to navigate through your site, and your scope of services, or products, should be easy to understand and your mission statement should be clearly defined.
Think for a moment about going to a new store or, fast-food restaurant that you have never been to before. The choices can be overwhelming, not to mention the fact that you are never sure whether to call what you want a “McThing”, a “Super-Classic-Combo” or, the “Ultra-Mega-Deluxe-Burger” when you know deep down you are hungry for just a good burger. It is that uncomfortable feeling of not being “clued-in” that can drive your customers away.
When #KoiHosting takes on a project, we are very interested in learning about your business, and your goals so we can truly understand the mission objectives of your new website project.
The more we learn about what you do, the better we can serve you with what we do.