Facebook has grown to be so popular that nearly all companies and organizations have a Facebook page to promote their business, make people aware of what's going on, and to keep track of all their connections. Even universities and associations within those universities have Facebook pages. Many people use Facebook to search for online services and businesses that are in their area. So, if you want your business to be the most successful it can be, then having a Facebook is crucial. You will be able to reach a lot more people this way. Here are five ways you can promote your business using Facebook.
#1: Create a Facebook Group for Your Business: When people like something or are really interested in something, they join Facebook groups to show their support for it. You should create one of these Facebook groups for your business so that people can join it when they use your service or invest in your company. You may find that getting a lot of group members is a slow process, but it will grow with your business.
#2: Dedicate Your Status to Important News and Services: If people don't know that you are having a sale or giving a discount on a service within your business, they aren't going to be able to take advantage of it. Putting it as your status is the quickest way for everyone to know about these special services. Just make sure that you don't overdo it. People also don't like to read a bunch of spam.
#3: Send Mass E-mails to Friends and Group Members: If your business is new, send out a mass e-mail to everyone on your friends list to let them know about it. If you are having an event or a fundraiser, you could also send out a message to everyone so that they are aware.
#4: Use Events Section of Facebook: Facebook has a place where you can create an event and invite people to it. Many people do this for weddings, birthdays, and graduation parties, but you can do this for your business as well. You can create an event when a sale is going on, to promote your business website, or when you are hosting an event. People will be able to indicate whether they can attend the event or not.
#5: Develop Connections: There are plenty of people on Facebook that have their own business or are a part of a business that uses Facebook for promotion. Develop connections with these people. They may be your competition, but they are also people you can learn from and gain customers from. If their customers come across your Facebook page, they may start using your services.
Getting your website to go "viral" is extremely hard to do because of all the competition, but it is possible. Design your website with interesting, engaging, and helpful information. Use a little humor so that viewers don't get bored or distracted reading your site. The more interested you can get them in your business, the more people they will share it with. You may also want to try to create SEO content to allow search engines to find you better.